You can download the COACCH project flyer here.

You can download the COACCH project poster here.


Feb 20, 2018 – Assessing climate change costs in Europe: the innovative approach of the COACCH project (language: English)

Feb 20, 2018 – I costi dei cambiamenti climatici in Europa: dal progetto COACCH un approccio innovativo per valutarli (language: Italian)

July 10, 2018 – Von Missernten bis Migration (language: German)


October 27, 2020 – Energy at risk: the impact of climate change on supply and costs

September 19, 2019 – Dal turismo alla salute – tutti gli effetti del clima che cambia (language: Italian)

January 26, 2018 – El Instituto TIDES de la ULPGC participa en la reunión de lanzamiento del proyecto europeo COACCH

February 5, 2018 – Assessing costs of climate change thanks to EU funding

March 2, 2018 – Horizon 2020 projects on decarbonisation of the economy help to reach Paris Agreement

July 10, 2018 – Von Missernten bis Migration


COACCH at a glance

COACCH Highlights




COACCH Final Conference


COACCH presentation video for ECCA2021


Recordings of COACCH Webinars



Presentation videos showed during COACCH 3rd Co-Design Workshop (3-4- December 2020)




ECCA 2019 VIDEO PILLS (28-31 May 2019)

1.  Kees van Ginkel from Deltares and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam provides three examples of the tipping points explored in the COACCH project.


2. and 3. Jenny Tröltzsch and Katriona McGlade from Ecologic Institute explain both the methodological innovations of the project and the relevance of the Review Report carried out by partners.



4. Elisa Sainz de Murieta from BC3 explains her work presented at ECCA 2019 on coastal risks in European cities and the importance of stakeholders involvement in decision-making processes.


5. Paul Watkiss from PWA, COACCH Stakeholders’ relations coordinator, explains his work on tipping points in a 2-degrees world presented at ECCA 2019.



Francesco Bosello, from CMCC, is coordinator of the COACCH project. Watch his video presentation of COACCH, shot at kick-off meeting of the project (18-19 January, 2018).



Kees van Ginkel, from Deltares, is a member of COACCH project team. He is a PhD student and the topic of his thesis focuses on the impacts of climate change on infrastructures. He is developing a vlog in which he speaks about some of COACCH outputs and other relevant topics. Below are the first three videos of the vlog.

  • During a Deltares Hackaton in July 2019, he explored the implications of Sea Level Rise for living in the Dutch Delta in his second vlog video.
  • In July 2018, he explored the topic of droughts in the Netherlands and their relation with climate change
  • On January 18-19, 2018 he was in Venice for the kick-off meeting of the COACCH project, a two-day meeting that allowed all partners to meet, plan and launch the project activities. There, he recorded the first video of the series.