A project co-designed and co-delivered with the final users of its scientific outcomes.

This is the core innovation of COACCH (CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs), a new project which aims at providing an improved downscaled assessment of the risks and costs of climate change in Europe.


Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme with 4.9 M EUR, and carried out by a consortium of 14 European organisations, the project kicked off in Venice on January 18-19, 2018. The Kick off meeting, which took place at the Ca’Foscari University, gathered together 48 climate change experts which will work on COACCH in the coming 3,5 years.


As explained in this short video by Prof. Francesco Bosello, coordinator of the project, the innovative approach of COACCH consists on engaging stakeholders from research, business, investment, and policy making communities throughout the entire project lifetime: from the definition of the research questions to the orientation of the dissemination and communication strategy.

COACCH brings Europe’s leading expert modelling teams in climate change impact assessment together with stakeholders to co-develop methods and analyses in an innovative research practice: this approach will allow end users to obtain useful, exploitable and easily usable information and data on the impacts and economic consequences of climate tipping points of major concern for Europe. Moreover, the project explores the new concept of climate-induced socio-economic tipping points, at European and national level.

Macro-economic consequences (such as impact on growth and welfare), market consequences (on agriculture, forestry, industry, energy, etc.) as well as non-market damages (such as impacts on ecosystems and health) will be analysed under different climate change scenarios – from unmitigated to effectively mitigated – at different scales.

The project will provide an assessment of climate risk and costs for Europe at higher spatial resolution than previous studies (grid cells 50x50km), and the sub national detail of the analysis will allow to capture regional disparities triggered by climate change impacts to support policy makers in the design of ad hoc short to long-term mitigation and adaptation policies.


Among the main outcomes of the project, a “Climate change impacts & policy simulator” will allow interested users to access and play with all the project tools, data, assumptions and results thanks to an accessible web interface.


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