A key focus of the COACCH project (CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs) is to proactively involve stakeholders in the design and delivery of research, as part of a collaborative co-production process. The project recognises that end-user needs and interests vary, and so engages with a wide range of representatives from policy, business and industry, investment, research and civil society. COACCH is using interactive workshops to co-design the project’s direction, activities and outputs.
The first three co-design workshops between 2018-2020 produced key insights to guide the COACCH project. In this fourth and final workshop, the project team will present their concluding research findings and together we will review the final outputs to be produced. The objectives of the fourth interactive workshop are to discuss:
Results of sectoral and macroeconomic assessments of policies;
Web-based scenario explorer;
Policy briefs and synthesis products.
Evaluation of the COACCH project and guidelines for co-designed research.
A preliminary draft agenda of the event can be found here